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Everything posted by animekai

  1. now we need the Spanish Translated one, someone can publish the link for it plz
  2. Esta version de Silver esta traducida voces y texto al español, es la version PAL a 60hz se puede usar en consolas NTSC, creditos a GAZU por este parche. Download Links [Hidden Content] MORE DREAMCAST GAMES [Hidden Content]
  3. take your time, i'm in a hiatus kind stuff too, i post in my telegram channel from time to time as i can
  4. WHO FRAMED ROGER RABBIT Esta película para la dreamcast esta en idioma Ruso, sin subtítulos, en discos CDI de alta definición, estos no tienen interacción, en otras palabras no se pueden adelantar pausar o detener. La version de baja calidad en cdi e iso, se pueden adelantar pausar salir etc. Calidad muy baja LINK CDI: [Hidden Content] DISCO 2: [Hidden Content] DISCO 3: [Hidden Content] MORE DREAMCAST GAMES [Hidden Content]
  5. Yeah cant find nothing compactible with ff7 nes demake, who can solve this
  6. Nice, for any futures NES ROM that needs change mappers this is very usefull
  7. Hace unos meses salió la beta de este Mod de Super League, modificando equipos nombres uniformes y se arreglaron muchos bugs de la versión beta, esta es la versión final, lista para que disfrutes. DOWNLOAD LINKS CDI: [Hidden Content] GDI: [Hidden Content] MORE DREAMCAST GAMES: [Hidden Content]
  8. pero el flycast si los reconoce, selecciona el cue y listo, aunque el contenido es simplemente un video musical o promos, pruebalo
  9. Im looking for some naple games, like PLOID, REKNUM, UCHUSEN, maybe on nes formats or cdi for dreamcast. i've already has uchusen, maybe a old compilation, and i know for sure that reknum the awakening was free to download some time ago but the rom is missing
  10. El Juego ¡Las tres estrellas del Podewr! ¡¡Del Podewwr!! Así lo gritaban todos. Eran tan poderosas que sólo se podía hablar de ellas gritando. Y Cheril se enteró. “¿Qué serán? ¡Vaya misterio!” – Cheril no podía pensar en otra cosa. “Necesitarás ayuda, jovenzana” – le dijo un misterioso hombrecillo que apareció de detrás de un vúcaro – “los peligros son chungos. Es una locura ir sin vehículo”. Y sin saber muy bien como, una cosa llevó a la otra y Cheril se vio bien enfundada hasta los sobacos en una enorme bota de cuero y suela de material. “¿Pero esto cómo se maneja?” – gritó, mientras se alejaba dando grandes saltos… Controles D-Pad mueve a Cheril. B (cargar y soltar): escupitajo. Pulsando abajo en el D-Pad harás que Cheril se agache y salte menos. Los escupitajos pueden desplazar un poco a los monstruos que den demasiado la tabarra. En la pantalla de título pulsa START para empezar una partida. DOWNLOAD LINKS CDI: [hide] [Hidden Content]] ISO: [hide][Hidden Content]] MORE DREAMCAST GAMES [hide][Hidden Content]]
  11. This amiga port has cdda audio DOWNLOAD LINKS: CDI [hide][Hidden Content]] MORE DREAMCAST GAMERS: [hide][Hidden Content]]
  12. En la modificación de Alien Quake, basada en la película "Alien", el jugador luchará contra soldados ordinarios y alienígenas hostiles. Y tenga cuidado: ¡un abrazador de caras aferrado significa un juego instantáneo! DOWNLOAD LINKS: CDI [hide][Hidden Content]] ISO [hide][Hidden Content]] MORE DREAMCAST GAMERS: [hide][Hidden Content]]
  13. Swirling Blades: Desert Thunder A 3D Arcade Chopper Game for the Sega Dreamcast, Linux and Windows. This is a tech-demo of an upcoming full-featured Dreamcast game, with a full campaign. It has bugs and performance issues, beware This game is built using the Simulant Game Engine. DOWNLOAD LINK: [Hidden Content] MORE DREAMCAST GAMES: [Hidden Content]
  14. DOWNLOAD LINK: [Hidden Content] MORE DREAMCAST GAMES [Hidden Content]
  15. gens4all cant be runned in any emulator, just real hardware, emulators runs the cdi but graphics are bugged, only real dc can be showed correctly
  16. WINDOWS 95 SIMULATOR BY MIKEDELDEY95 This windows 95 simulator made for the sega megadrive by Mikeyeldey95, it has music files, joke apps, and also has clippy if you wait a bit in the desktop. DOWNLOAD LINKS [Hidden Content] [Hidden Content]
  17. This unofficial Dreamcast port of Doom is what you might call "an original Sega console port of Doom". It was programmed on a Dreamcast Katana development kit with Windows Ce. The last modification of the source code dates from September 27, 2000. DOWNLOAD LINK: CDI: [Hidden Content] GDI: [Hidden Content]
  18. This is a compilation of all the Mil-CDs, i had extracted the Music Audio Tracks, and also the videos converted to playable video formats, included in each folder, also upload to youtube to easy watch. Himitsu Original Sound Track Hang the DJ Nine Chairs D2 Original Sound Track Kita e. White Illumination Pure Song and Pictures Checkicco no Miru CD DPS - Heartbreak Diary Space Channel 5 Theme Music - Mexican Flyer LIST OF THE FILES: DOWNLOAD LINK: [Hidden Content] MORE DREAMCAST GAMES [Hidden Content]
  19. I recommend to use isomake, is pack of files to create a iso for use on rd-ds [Hidden Content] just put the cdi content into data folder, the use the hack_lba.bat twice o three times just to be sure, and then create iso.bat
  20. i've learned this the hard way, i wish this tutorial was when i need it
  21. since i got the source videos, i'm converting them into playable formats like mpg avi or mp4, i'm uploading them into my youtube channel, and making a compilation with the audio tracks and the videos, gonna post them eventually here in ngr.
  22. hey gator, use flycast, and load the cue file, at least it works to see the media content. and i know how to extract the multimedia track, here the steps: 1.- mount the .cue file with daemon tools. 2.- Download and install ISOBUSTER. 3.- open isobuster, drop in the cue file, righ-click on the cd, extract cd imagen, as raw. 4.-when saving the cd, change iso to bin file, and then save the cue, thrust me we are making a bin cue again. 5.- open the new cue file with ultraiso and were see the multimedia files in there But the thing is, neither 1milsfd.bin, or 2milpass.bin works for me, i made a custom ip pointing them to those bin, but they dont boot the video, the videos are in the softdec folder and the files are VIDTRK01.SFD or more, maybe u can do something with them.
  23. i noticed you make an iso file, is this for the dreamshell-retrodream users? nice, but you had to test the iso, not always works, but usually rom emulators works fine on iso
  24. i'm looking a youtube tutorial to make SR in HD, and were to put the textures, i wish this could be ported to the real DC.
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